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Установка нового воздуховода по схеме PV

Если вы считаете, что комфорт в помещении важен, то воздуховоды должны иметь для вас большое значение, и это должно иметь большое значение.

Воздуховоды не уступают оборудованию HVAC с точки зрения его влияния на комфорт, качество воздуха в помещении и энергоэффективность. На самом деле, многие домовладельцы видят больший комфорт от оптимизации воздуховодов, чем от замены печи или кондиционера.

Ваш дом — это система, и воздуховоды — неотъемлемая часть этой системы. Когда строитель или подрядчик портит ваши воздуховоды (а они часто так и делают!), типичным результатом являются некомфортные и вредные для здоровья условия.

Вот почему мы придирчивы к установке новых воздуховодов. С нашей точки зрения, воздуховод никогда не должен зависеть от предположений, принятия желаемого за действительное или эмпирических правил. Вместо этого мы ориентируемся на строительную науку.

Несколько мыслей о хорошем дизайне воздуховодов

Что важнее всего при проектировании и монтаже воздуховодов для дома? Вот наши мысли:

  • Воздушный поток :Оптимальный воздушный поток имеет решающее значение для производительности и комфорта. Мы определяем необходимое количество воздуха для каждой комнаты в вашем доме. Затем мы предпринимаем шаги, чтобы убедиться, что конструкция воздуховода позволяет вашему оборудованию HVAC соответствовать вашим потребностям в воздушном потоке.
  • Утечка :Негерметичные воздуховоды создают неудобные условия и увеличивают ваши счета за электроэнергию. Негерметичный возвратный воздуховод также может привести к ухудшению качества воздуха в помещении, когда он вытягивает воздух с чердака или подполья. По этим причинам мы гарантируем не более 5 % утечки воздуховода для каждой установки.
  • Баланс :The static pressure inside your ductwork is like blood pressure in your body. It's a measure of amount of air resistance inside your ducts. In a balanced system, there won't be excessive static pressure - the pressure balance will be sufficient to properly circulate and distribute air throughout your home. Any restrictions in your ductwork can create undue static pressure, something we go to great lengths to avoid.

Few heating and air contractors take the same painstaking measures that we do to ensure proper airflow, balance your system, and minimize leakage. For this reason, having PV install your ductwork is rarely the cheapest option. But since HVAC isn't a commodity service, price probably isn't your primary concern when installing new ductwork, right?

With those principles in mind, let's take a look at how PV designs and installs new ductwork.

1. Perform a room-by-room Manual J load calculation

We've discussed Manual J on this blog before. In addition to revealing the amount of heat loss and heat gain throughout your home, a Manual J load calculation also shows you the proper amount of airflow needed for each room. Airflow is expressed as cubic feet per minute, or CFM.

Does sticking to Manual J take time? Yes, it does. Avoiding Manual J and relying on rules of thumb (like square footage) would be a lot easier. In the short term, it would also be less expensive for our clients.

But over the long term, you might end up spending more to fix your ductwork or replace your equipment with a different system. You'd also be really uncomfortable for months - possibly even years. We don't want that to happen, so we perform the Manual J load calculation every time. Every. Одинокий. Время.

2. Perform Manual S, Manual T, and Manual D calculations

Wait! There are other "manual" HVAC methodologies that terminate in individual letters of the alphabet? Yep, there sure are.

  • Manual S :This helps us select the right HVAC components. With regard to ductwork, Manual S matters because it ensures that you end up with ducts capable of heating and cooling your home during winter and summer temperature extremes.
  • Manual T :What types of air registers (vents) do you need? Where should the registers be located? How big should they be? Manual T answers these questions for us. At PV, we always use high velocity registers, regardless of their size or location, because enable better airflow.
  • Manual D :Here's the part where we determine what distances your ducts should cover, how many turns they ought to have, and what volume of air should ideally flow through the ducts to meet the needs of each room per Manuals J, S, and T.

We use meticulous measurements and specialized software to do all of this preliminary work. Failing to go through these critical steps will leave you with a "typical" system of unbalanced ductwork and inadequate airflow throughout your home.

3. Install hard pipe trunk lines with flexible connectors

After going to the trouble to design optimal ductwork, we want to be absolutely sure you achieve the proper airflow throughout your system. For this reason, we usually install hard pipe trunk lines with flexible connectors instead of all-flex systems. We also prefer metal plenums to ductboard. If your system is really small, all-flex might be fine for achieving proper airflow. With hard pipe, great airflow is almost a sure thing.

It is more difficult and more expensive for us to do things this way, but the benefits are undeniable.

For starters, hard pipe ducts enable the right airflow delivery to each room. With all-flex ductwork, It's difficult to install a long run without introducing airflow restrictions - especially in places where you have to hang the duct.

Unless it's installed perfectly , flex duct sags. Those saggy spots inhibit airflow. Flex ducts are also more subject to damage and might not last as long as hard pipe.

Anyway, this is the part where we actually put everything where it's supposed to go. Depending on the project, it can take a while and be pretty messy! We always clean up our mess - every tool, every scrap.

4. Test for leakage and balance

As soon as everything is installed, we test the system to make sure everything works correctly. And we're not just talking about switching on the heat, standing under a vent, feeling air, and calling it good.

Nope - we test everything the right way . That means pressurizing the system the same way we do during an energy assessment to determine duct leakage. Most systems we test during our assessments have anywhere from 20% to 40% duct leakage, which is a shame. We feel that anything over 5% means something is wrong, and we'll go back and fix it before declaring the work complete.

We guarantee 5% or less duct leakage with every new ductwork installation. Nobody else that we're aware of offers that guarantee.

The other thing we test for is balance. To do that, we use a digital hood to measure airflow and match each room's airflow to the results of the Manual J load calculation. Airflow should be spot-on in every room.

We also guarantee the proper static pressure for your duct system. Excessive static pressure puts extra stress on equipment and leads to early system failure. You don't want that, and neither do we.

Thanks to all of all the preliminary work we do at the beginning plus proper installation using quality materials, you'll never have too few ducts, restricted ducts, or ducts that are too small to meet your needs.

Your ductwork will just work.

And it'll work well! All too often, we hear complaints about uneven temperatures among rooms, high energy bills, and equipment that seems to run all the time without really improving comfort. Poor ductwork isn't the only reason you might be having those problems, but it's a common reason.

Proper ductwork design and installation is difficult work and requires special training. Anyone who says otherwise either never learned how to do it, never tested their work for balance or leakage, or thinks they can get away with sub-par workmanship.

The way we see it, good ductwork is good business. That's the PV way. In our experience, it's also been the best way.

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