Как зарядить динамик Bluetooth без зарядного устройства
У большинства из нас всегда есть при себе телефоны, однако не всегда под рукой будет зарядное устройство. Итак, что вы делаете, когда ваш телефон разрядился, а у вас нет зарядного устройства? В этой статье мы покажем вам, как зарядить динамик Bluetooth без зарядного устройства.
1. Используйте свой смартфон
Знаете ли вы, что можете узнать, как зарядить динамик Bluetooth с помощью телефона за считанные минуты? Возможно, вы слышали, что многие беспроводные колонки можно использовать и как внешние аккумуляторы.
Но вы также можете использовать свой смартфон для зарядки их через USB-кабель, не ища зарядное устройство. Большинство протестированных современных телефонов работают в качестве источников питания.
Однако срок службы их батарей при воспроизведении музыки значительно различается. Емкость встроенного аккумулятора определяет, сможете ли вы использовать его для зарядки динамиков во время прослушивания любимой музыки в течение нескольких часов или в течение одного дня.
Телефоны легкие, и вам не нужно много думать об их портативности. Если вы выберете динамик весом не более 500 граммов и легкий телефон, вы получите удовольствие от поездки, слушая песни без остановки, носите ли вы их в рюкзаке, на велосипеде или где-либо еще.
2. Зарядка с помощью мобильного зарядного устройства
В некоторых случаях может потребоваться другое зарядное устройство для перезапуска Bluetooth-колонки, особенно если заряд батареи слишком низкий.
Если вы знаете, как заряжать динамик Bluetooth с помощью зарядного устройства для телефона, вы можете использовать его там, где нет электричества.
Однако, когда у вас есть доступ к источнику питания, ваша мобильная зарядка все равно может пригодиться, в основном, если вы, как и большинство из нас, не знаете, как зарядить динамик со сломанным зарядным портом или как починить сломанный порт зарядного устройства на Bluetooth-динамик.
3. Используйте внешний аккумулятор
Сегодня на рынке представлено множество блоков питания для зарядки вашего Bluetooth-динамика. Если вы не можете управлять своим динамиком через USB-адаптер переменного тока, подключив его к соответствующей розетке переменного тока или перезаряжаемой встроенной батарее, это отличный вариант для вас.
Это может быть особенно актуально, если вы не знаете, кто починит динамик Bluetooth, который не заряжается. Хорошей новостью является то, что это портативный вариант.
Это означает, что когда у вас закончится заряд в удаленном месте или где-либо еще, вам не нужно беспокоиться о розетке переменного тока.
4. Заряжайте свой ноутбук
Many people want to know how to charge their speakers without a charger when they have no compatible phone or mobile charger.
Your laptop can help you to charger your speaker irrespective of the make. This is how computer Bluetooth speakers charge anyway. Unlike your phone that may have a limited in-built battery, most modern laptops can serve you for a much longer duration.
One of the reasons you will most likely be pleased to consider using your laptop for this purpose is that it is easier to carry a micro USB cable with you that a Bluetooth speaker charger.
If you have been using these speakers for a while, you will likely find some extra micro USB cables lying somewhere in your store or house. So, you will not have to buy one. And if anything, these cables are cheap.
Once you have found the right cable, connect its bigger end to the DC IN 5v jack. Check if you see a red LED light up. This is an indication that your Bluetooth speaker is charging. As you can see, the process is easy and straightforward.
In case you fail to see it is charging, troubleshoot by replacing the micro USB cable. Try charging using this method whenever you are free, and you will see how worthwhile your effort will be.
5. Use Wireless Charging
If there is a problem and you realize that you can do nothing if you do not know how to fix the Bluetooth speaker charger port, you should completely forget about looking for the right charger.
It will not help you, but you will waste a lot of your valuable time. Wireless charging is also an excellent option for you if you do not want to be involved in the lengthy processes of continually plugging in and out of your speaker’s charger. You have the right to choose what serves you best.
Choose the best wireless innovative technology that you are sure can charge your Bluetooth speaker.
If you have discovered how to charge JBL speaker without a charger, you most likely test to the fact that there are plenty of these types of technology out there.
Before you buy one, however, be sure you verify that the model of your Bluetooth is compatible with your wireless charger. Many credible online stores stock them. Thus, you can order the best one for your speaker from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere else.
6. Create Your Own Wireless Charger
If you are tech-savvy, this one may be suitable for you. In case you are, here is one creative way you can charge your Bluetooth speaker without a charger whenever the need arises.
Try this out in case you cannot conveniently get a wireless charger. You must underline the fact that it might get a little tricky and technical, so rely on it only if you are fully confident of your professional competence.
To increase your chances of success, ensure you have all the requirements. The essential ones are an inductive charging set, soldering tool, a Bluetooth speaker with an additional space insider where you will insert your coil, and 9v charger.
Once you have these tools and building materials, be sure you know all the steps that you need to follow from the beginning to the end. Start by carefully dissembling your speaker and then cautiously taking out the printed circuit board.
As you remove this board, you should take special care of the input line because you may destroy it if the jack solder is weak, which is sometimes the case.
Consequently, solder the two +5V wires on the board’s reception and connect 9v on the side of the emitter.
Once you do that, your wireless charger should be able to charge your device. But you still need to tape the coil on the case’s bottom and attempt to fit in the printed circuit board. Do so until it fits.
If you choose, tape the receptor under your nightstand. Avoid thick materials such as ferrous.
The idea is that you need the right spot where the power cannot significantly drop. From then on, you will be ready to charge your Bluetooth speaker wirelessly.
As you can see, not many people can make a wireless charger if they lack the normal one for their speakers. As such, if you think it is not the best for you, try the others.
7. Replace Your Battery
If you have tried all the above options and nothing seems to work, there is likely a problem with your battery. Change it with a new one or another that has not run out entirely. Most modern phones will require a technician to replace the battery.
Remember, no matter how much you try, you cant charge a dead battery.
Tips to Extend Battery Life of Your Bluetooth Speaker
Are you always out of battery on your Bluetooth speaker? Whether you know to fix a Bluetooth speaker that won’t charger or not, the quality of your battery will determine how frequently you will be charging and enjoying your favorite music.
<сильный>1. Turn Off Unused Speakers: When your speaker is not in use, turn off Bluetooth and other things that allow it to communicate wirelessly with other nearby devices.
If you are going to be on a plane, turn the speaker to airplane mode if you intend to listen to audio or play a game on it.
By having them consistently on, you will be putting a considerable drain on your battery almost all the time.
<сильный>2. Turn On Airplane Mode When Necessary: Through the airplane mode, you will still disable all forms of wireless communication. While you will not receive or send text messages, data, or email, you save a ton of battery.
<сильный>3. Don’t Fully Charge/Discharge: Never fully charge or discharge your Bluetooth speaker battery for extended periods. You can charge 50% and then recharge as necessary. If it hits 100%, ensure you do not leave it plugged in.
4. Limit The Heat: Too much heat is also dangerous. If it has respectable 8-hours, lifespan, and you leave it in your car for hours over the summer, that can reduce to 2 or under over time. If you do not change this trend, you can expect that no charging method will serve your needs.
Once you do all of these things, you will be set to start enjoying music on the go.
Can You Charge a Speaker with an AUX Cord?
No, you cannot charge a speaker with an AUX cord. That’s because you will need to supply power to the speaker since it has an internal amplifier. However, you can send audio to it with the aux cable.
How Do You Fix a Bluetooth Speaker that is Not Charging?
Most people assume that the battery of their Bluetooth speaker has died. A more common problem is that your speakers are not charging or there may be a faulty USB cable being used.
So, it isn’t sending power to the device properly. If you have tried different USB cables and still cannot get them working, this means one thing – they need fixing! You can fix these issues on your own with just some basic tools.
It’s important to note though if you’ve already bought another pair of speakers because yours aren’t working anymore then do keep in mind that they might also require new batteries too!
This process should take about an hour but will save you time and money compared to having someone else do the work for you.
How Do I Reset My Bluetooth Speaker?
Here are the simple steps you should follow:
- To reset your Bluetooth speaker, the first thing you need to do is remove all the paired devices.
- After that, press the Bluetooth and the power buttons simultaneously for more than 3 seconds.
- This will reset the speaker to factory settings.
Final Thoughts
So that’s the answer to your question how can I charge my Bluetooth speaker without a charger? If you have misplaced your Bluetooth speaker charger or do not know how to fix the Bluetooth speaker charger port, you can still charge it with great ease. Resort to your phone, your mobile charger, your laptop, or wireless charging.
However, for this to work well, you should ensure you have a reliable battery. As such, if you protect the lifespan of your battery and choose one of the best alternative charging methods that you prefer, you will be able to listen to the music that you crave whenever you want.