Что такое водяная система отопления? Является ли это эффективным и экономичным вариантом отопления?
Водяные системы отопления являются одними из самых энергоэффективных систем.

Если вы когда-нибудь заходили в дом с нужной температурой, но не видели ни одного вентиляционного отверстия или теплового насоса, и задавались вопросом, в чем их секрет, то вот он — водяная система отопления!
Водяные системы отопления — идеальное решение, если вы ищете энергоэффективную и чистую систему отопления для своего дома. Как и у любой другой системы, у этой тоже есть свои плюсы и минусы. Но прежде чем мы перейдем к этому, давайте сначала разберемся, что такое водяное отопление и как оно работает.
Что такое водяное отопление?
Водяная система отопления, также известная как лучистое отопление, использует воду или другие жидкости для обогрева вашего дома. Эти системы представляют собой источник тепла и сеть труб, по которым нагретая жидкость доставляется в другие части вашего дома.
Водяные системы отопления можно использовать в качестве систем лучистого пола, систем лучистого обогрева стен, водяных плинтусных обогревателей, водяных полотенцесушителей или радиаторов.
Большие здания часто могут извлечь выгоду из этой системы, используя ее с котлами. Многие жилые дома на севере также приняли эту систему из-за продолжительного отопительного сезона. Люди, живущие в районах с более коротким отопительным сезоном, также используют эту систему в гораздо меньших масштабах.
Как работают водяные системы отопления?

Теплопередача может происходить одним из трех способов:теплопроводностью, конвекцией и излучением.
Системы водяного отопления используют теплопроводность и излучение, чтобы согреть ваши дома.
Во-первых, котел использует теплопроводность к теплой воде или другой жидкости, используемой в качестве теплоносителя. Затем, когда эта жидкость проходит через систему, она нагревает все, к чему прикасается за счет теплопроводности. Наконец, когда эта нагретая жидкость достигает радиаторов, настенных обогревательных панелей и т. д., она использует излучение для обогрева помещения.
Прочитайте эту статью для подробного сравнения лучистого тепла и принудительного воздуха.
Преимущества водяной системы отопления
Водяные системы отопления очень эффективны, но это еще не все. Эти системы имеют множество преимуществ.
1. Создайте отдельные зоны
Гидравлические системы позволяют создавать температурные зоны для повышения комфорта.
Например, вместо одного термостата во всем доме вы можете установить двухзонный термостат для изменения температуры в разных комнатах. Зоны — отличная идея, если вы живете с кем-то, у кого другие температурные предпочтения, чем у вас.
2. Уровни влажности
Системы принудительной вентиляции могут вытягивать влагу из воздуха при его нагреве, что приводит к несбалансированному уровню влажности в вашем доме. Водяные системы отопления не высушивают ваш дом, как другие системы лучистого отопления, поскольку они используют жидкость в закрытой системе для обогрева вашего дома.
3. Теплые полы

Водяные системы отопления могут работать как лучистый подогрев пола, чтобы сделать ваши полы теплее, поэтому вам больше не придется бояться вставать с постели холодным утром. Трубы можно разместить под полом или в бетонных плитах, а пол действует как проводник, чтобы вам было комфортно.
4. Quiet Operation
Hydronic systems do not displace air to warm your home, unlike forced-air heating systems. So not only do you not need to stay listening to the rush of air as it passes through the system, but you also don’t have to worry about the sounds of a furnace firing up or groans from the cold ducts as warm air passes through them. So, you’re pretty much rid of all the various air conditioner sounds you have to bear in other heating systems.
5. No Ducts
Ductwork can take up quite a bit of space in your walls and ceilings. Additionally, ducts can also be expensive and messy to install and maintain. Instead, hydronic heating system tubes can be installed in the wall or attached to floor joists. These pipes can also be routed around the existing pipework.
6. No Dust, Pollen, or Allergens
Forced air systems push air into your room to regulate the climate. Unfortunately, this airflow can often bring dust, pollen, pet dander, or other indoor air pollutants, or the brisk moving air can stir up allergens in the room. If you don’t maintain your ducts or change your air filters regularly, this situation can worsen. On the other hand, hydronic heating systems do not rely on ducts, don’t displace air, and are much cleaner.
7. Энергоэффективность
Air isn’t the best heat conductor. It can lose energy as it travels through ducts or leaks through gaps, leading to heat loss. In contrast, water needs less energy to heat since it absorbs heat better and retains the heat for longer. Compared to forced-air heating systems, a hydronic heating system is about 25% more efficient.
8. Hydronic Systems Are Durable
Normal HVAC systems have a lot of moving and mechanical parts, which means they need repairs more often. Instead, hydronic heating systems do not have many mechanical parts, do not need much maintenance, and are more likely to last a long time.
9. Warmer Where It Matters
Hydronic systems are commonly used as radiant floor systems, baseboard heaters, or radiators. Even in radiant wall heating systems, the tubes are installed close to the ground, where you are. Forced air systems are usually at a distance, making hydronic heating systems a better solution.
10. Even Heating
Forced air heating systems use air displacement to keep you warm. However, these systems move air briskly, and the subsequent drafts and breezes may result in uneven heating or cooling around your home. Hydronic heating systems eradicate this issue by using radiation rather than air to keep you warm.
Disadvantages of Hydronic Heating System
Hydronic systems have many perks, but they aren’t without their downsides.
1. Long Heating Time
While water does absorb heat better than air, the heated water needs to travel through the whole system to warm your home up. This process can take quite a long time, and you’ll have to wait longer to benefit from the warmth. Due to this issue, hydronic heating systems are better suited for moderate climates or when consistent temperatures are needed.
2. Space Requirements
Baseboard hydronic systems require additional space on the wall and interrupt your interior. Hydronic heating systems also need a network of pipes to transfer heat to different parts of your home. These pipes can take up a significant amount of space in your home. However, the space required is only about half an inch which is still much lesser than the space ducts take up. This may not be an issue when you’re constructing a new home but adding this system to an existing home may require tearing up floors or walls.
3. Require Maintenance
All closed-loop water heating systems need an expansion tank for safety. These tanks have to be occasionally drained to work efficiently. Since this maintenance task is one of the only ones that hydronic heating systems need, it’s easy to look past, prompting efficiency issues.
4. Hard to Access Piping if a Problem Comes Up
With hydronic heating systems, there’s a slight risk that pipes in the system might leak or burst. While this is a highly unlikely situation, it still poses a threat to the system’s working and your home’s building elements. In addition, the pipes are hidden away under the floor or behind the walls or ceiling, making repairs of this sort a difficult and expensive process.
5. Higher Installation Costs Upfront
Installing a hydronic heating system into an already built home can be very expensive. It requires professional builders, and you will need access to your floor joists. The alternative is to remove the floor or the drywall and then reinstall them with the system installed. If you’re looking to refurbish your home or are building a new house, installing the system in those instances won’t be as cost-restrictive.
6. No Ductwork for Air Conditioning
Since radiant cooling isn’t a widely popular or efficient system, most people only use hydronic systems for heating. So, if you live in an area where you would like central air conditioning, opting for radiant heating isn’t a good idea. In addition, installing two separate systems for heating and cooling is quite expensive.
7. Water Could Potentially Freeze During Power Outage
If you live in an area where temperatures can likely fall below the freezing point of water, you will have to worry about ice damaging the components during power outages or when you’re away. You can solve the latter issue if you own a mini-split paired with a smart AC controller that can keep your pipes from freezing even when you’re on vacation.
Here are 20 tips on what to do during a winter power outage.
8. Requires Careful Planning Before Installation
Extensive planning is necessary to ensure that a hydronic heating system will work efficiently. For instance, it’s important to keep the warming elements closer to the ground where people are when installing radiant wall heating. If they’re too high up, the generated heat will be of no use to the inhabitants of the room since radiant heat only warms objects in its line of sight.
9. Lack of Ventilation
Without air circulation, you’ll soon have stagnant air filling your home up, leading to pent-up pollutants and bad odors in your home. To improve the indoor air quality of your home, you can open up windows and doors to allow adequate home ventilation.
10. Furniture Can Be a Hindrance
Radiant heating warms objects by radiation, and the things need to be in the line of sight for them to work efficiently. For example, furniture pulled up against the wall (in the case of radiant wall heating) or thick carpets that act as insulators can bring down the heating abilities of the system.
If now you’ve made up your mind to get a hydronic heating system for your home, then let’s look at its different types.
Types of Hydronic Radiant Heating Systems

Hydronic heating systems have seven basic components that work together to work efficiently. In addition, these components can have several variations that allow you to customize the system according to your needs.
<ол тип="1">Some of the variations available for boilers, liquid medium, and heat exchangers are as follows:
Boiler Options

An efficient boiler is the cornerstone of any hydronic heating system that works without heat loss or wasting energy. Some of the options available in boilers are as follows:
<ол тип="1">Liquid Options
The liquid medium for the transfer of heat can also vary across systems. Traditionally, most hydronic heating systems have used hot water, which remains the norm today. However, some modern systems also use glycol or other liquids with antifreeze properties. Incorporating these liquids into the system can protect the liquid from freezing in exposed pipes and increase the boiling point.
Heating Exchangers Options and Their Locations

Hydronic heating systems can have several heat exchangers to deliver heat to your living space.
<ол тип="1">Hydronic heating systems are a great heating option for anyone looking for energy-efficient and even heating. There are many benefits these systems offer other than energy efficiency, such as quiet and clean heating. However, the system also has downsides like an expensive upfront installation cost and air stagnation. But, all in all, these systems are quite efficient!